Monday, 10 October 2011

Is CDN Industry getting too greedy ?

What is my perception is that "whether CDN Industry is getting too greedy ?"

It is evident that there is stiff competition and now CDN industry is highly mature. Each CDN Vendor in this group discussions as well as throughout the internet claims that they have cutting edge CDN technology and they offer the best. Companies are too busy blabbering something about CDN technology and their innovations in various technical discussions.

But I am sensing that there is great amount of social responsibility which is lacking. Companies do really do not want to educate people enough to understand and motivate them to participate in innovation.

Question remains: Is the CDN Industry is getting too greedy ?

Whether it is a huge firm like Akamai or whether various existing small firms, but I am not seeing anyone out of these have real sense of social responsibility of knowledge sharing. They do use lots of open-source technologies, but is that greed and competition in the industry is keeping these firms to create effective positive knowledge sharing platforms ?

Heck with these patents, if there are no patenting in this world, by now Man must've set foot on Mars as well as Pluto.

You take any technology, whether it is Squid based proxy, or Linux Firewall or Linux QoS or Linux Kernel, there is a lot young students and budding enthusiasts can learn for almost free. It is all because of consistent efforts which many individuals as well as many firms put forward, and now it is all become possible.

But why not the same with respect to CDN technology ?

If someone posts a thread in this group, someone else answer that their firm offers best CDN. Why they need to claim their CDN is the best ? who really has the social responsibility to educate and do knowledge sharing ?

I think it is high time that CDN firms (it doesn't matter they have best CDN technology or some other firm who is the largest CDN firm in the world), is to come forward and create a knowledge sharing platform in this context.

I am going to take as much as possible initiative(s) in future to make this forward. I don't want to care about some crap which firm managed to be on top offering CDN services, and which are the new budding firms which are trying to compete this firm.

If you want to participate, and feel the same about it, then let us create a forum and platform and start discussing, sharing the innovations with respect to CDN technology. Let us all make this happen. We really don't want the mess about who had patented what in this. Instead let us focus that we build over the period of time enough content, information and knowledge that other people can learn and understand CDN technology in first place. Let us also dont care about who can offer cheapest CDN service, this forum is not a business development platform, instead it is a knowledge sharing platform. It is also great if there are subsequent FREE open-source components built and customized in this context.

Cheers, Kiran
Author/Founder: TrafficSqueezer ( - Linux WAN Optimization solution